Hydraulic Stone Bench Pusher
High power system for moving masses in quarries
Fravizel's mission is to provide quarries with solutions that allow them to increase productivity through innovative and technological processes. Among the phases necessary for the extraction of stone, Fravizel equipment intervenes in all phases of quarry. In the tilting phase with the Stone Bench Pusher, the productivity increase is over 80% comparing to the traditional methods (excluding human and equipment factors)
Hydraulic Stone Bench Pusher, is a high power system for moving masses in quarries. It is an accessory of the base machine, excavator (also adaptable to the loader) that will be attached to the tip of the boom. Handles until 3000 tons with just one machine and in reduced time.
In the tipping operation, increased speed in the release of the cutting front through the Hydraulic Stone Bench Pusher:
• Use of a single machine (it is common to have medium / large excavators, which are the base machine for this system, allowing to use the hydraulic power of the machine to move the masses safely and with the minimum possible resources);
• Less wear on the machine involved;
• Lower operation time compared to substitute products;
• Productivity increase;
• Ease of work on broken benches;
• Enables the overthrow of larger benches;
• Greater use of the stone;
• Less costs, less machines and human resources mobilized;
• Adjustment to the required drop position.
The use of this equipment guarantees even greater safety for the operator, since it is inside the machine cab.